Wheel See Ya Later!


And they are off! After over 7 months of planning, YouthBikeAmerica will finally become a reality, expected to reach New York City around mid August. Emmet (Tech 2020), Julian (Media 2020), Dasha (Dance 2020) and Mr.Padlo (English Dept) started their journey this past Wednesday, July 1st! Date of departure, route and some other things have changed, but the mission remains the same.

“We’re trying to encourage other youth to put themselves outside of their comfort zone and make a step towards shaping a brighter future. We want to show that a couple of kids with a mission can take on a big challenge, share a message, and really take charge of our lives as we take our first step toward adulthood” ~ Emmet Forde, student and trip organizer.

A special shout out to all their supporters!

Follow them on Instagram or Strava as they bike across 13 states and almost 3500 miles!

Screenshot_2020-07-04 “Pedal Towards The Future” ( youthbikeamerica) • Instagram photos and videos.png