Fall for the Arts Community Picnic Thank You!
WOW! Thanks to everyone who came out for our annual FALL for the ARTS Community Picnic. We loved seeing so many families and friends eating delicious food, playing games, painting the magical rainbow staircase, dunking techies, adopting puppies (3 adorable pups found their forever SOTA families) and winning prizes! Special shout out to the 50 + volunteers who helped, set up, staff tables, and clean up and the 40 families who supplied desserts!
Our Fund-a Need effort raised $1800. There is still time to get us to our $3500 match challenge. If you make a donation here by Monday 10/28 at midnight, you dollars will be doubled and go directly to purchasing an Art Department’s wish list item. Be sure to write "Fund-a-Need" in the notes!
We are already thinking about next year's picnic so please don't hesitate to send us suggestions for making improvements to the event.
Happy Halloween!
Your Event Planning Committee