Beautification Day This Sat. Please Join Us.

Please join the Ruth Asawa SOTA Beautification Team and volunteers for the first Beautification Day for this school year. Meet other families and have fun.

We will meet in the quad; parents/guardians, teachers and students are welcome to join in, to help spruce up our favorite special high school campus. Snacks and supplies will be provided.

Projects will include the usual gardening and on-going painting projects, with a focus on the mysterious ROTC space: we will organize the gardening tools and supplies, and then move these items to a new spot (to be determined). This space will be used in the very near future for our ever growing Robotics Club, as they are planning a build for competition at the end of October.

Please contact David Fortescue or Rebecca Dickherber at if you have any questions.

To sign up for a specific task, click this LINK.
