6:30 – 7:00pm: Budget Review with

Brian Kohn, Principal


7:00pm: Internet Safety:  Tips & Hints for

Parents & Guardians: A Conversation with

Micah Melton, SOTA Librarian,

Teacher and Tech Lead

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 6:30p

Are you wondering…

 How can I make sure my teenager is being safe online?

 How do I protect my teenager’s privacy online?

 How can I make sure my teenager isn't sharing too much online?

 How can I make sure my teenager’s privacy is protected when her teacher is using

 Who is collecting my teenager’s data, and what are they doing with it?

 My teenagers love using location apps on their phones to find each other. Is that safe?

 What should I do if I think my teenager’s device has been hacked?

 What are the Deep Web and the Dark Web?

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 6:30pm in

room A304.

All are welcome!

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