6:30 – 7:00pm: Budget Review with
Brian Kohn, Principal
7:00pm: Internet Safety: Tips & Hints for
Parents & Guardians: A Conversation with
Micah Melton, SOTA Librarian,
Teacher and Tech Lead
Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 6:30p
Are you wondering…
How can I make sure my teenager is being safe online?
How do I protect my teenager’s privacy online?
How can I make sure my teenager isn't sharing too much online?
How can I make sure my teenager’s privacy is protected when her teacher is using
Who is collecting my teenager’s data, and what are they doing with it?
My teenagers love using location apps on their phones to find each other. Is that safe?
What should I do if I think my teenager’s device has been hacked?
What are the Deep Web and the Dark Web?
Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 6:30pm in
room A304.
All are welcome!