Next ptsa community meeting: March 26, 2025!

Our Community Meetings normally take place on the 4th Thursdays of the month but Spring Break begins after school on March 27. See you in the library on our rescheduled date—March 26, 2025!

Come with questions for Principal Kim and hear from our committee leads. We will also present our slate for the Board elections in April.

Dinner is provided, all are welcome, especially students!

Join the PTSA and support our school!

Make this the best year for your family and our community by joining the PTSA. Students can also join. Annual memberships for Parents/Guardians are $15 and students are $10. 

CLICK HERE TO JOIN! Everyone who enrolls will receive a thank-you gift.

join the ptsa board!

2025-26 school year PTSA Elections are open. APPLY NOW >

We have several appointed positions on our PTSA board that are vacant and we would love company! Descriptions of board positions can be found here.

Ruth Asawa SOTA PTSA supports many valuable components of our school community. Here are a few duties of the PTSA:

  • Support the Artist in Residence fundraising team who works hard all year for this campaign.

  • Partner with FOSOTA to sponsor special swag and graduation activities for our Seniors

  • Partner with Student Government to support Spirit Day, Prom, other student socials and symposiums

  • Boost our school’s image with awesome swag and merchandise

  • Help run the annual tours in Fall, auditions in Winter, and orientation events in Spring

  • Organize campus cleanups & mural painting to beautify our campus. We also uplift and support our amazing campus Farm!

  • Support our fantastic faculty and staff with appreciation holiday gifts and an annual luncheon

  • Support our parent/student cultural affinity groups

  • Keep our show patrons fed with lobby concessions!

    For more information, view the PTSA’s 2024-25 budget.

Ruth Asawa SOTA <3s our AIRs!

2024-25 Fundraising

The 2024-2025 Annual Appeal to fund our Artists-in-Residence Program is in full swing! This special program is one of the key offerings that makes Ruth Asawa SOTA truly unique. Though we receive support from SFUSD, this doesn’t completely cover our program cost, which is why we are asking for your help.

Please consider making a gift to support these working artists who are dedicated educators helping to shape our young talents. If you have any questions about the appeal, or fundraising at Ruth Asawa SOTA in general, please feel free to reach out to Elizabeth Lani at from the PTSA Fundraising Team.

 Thank you for supporting our incredible high school!

  1. Ready to Donate?
    There are four easy ways to make a gift!

  1. Watch the video! Then click HERE to go directly to our donation page.

  2. Send a check made payable to Ruth Asawa SOTA PTSA. Mail to:
    Ruth Asawa SOTA PTSA 
    Attention: Merrill Komai
    555 Portola Drive
    San Francisco, CA 94131

  3. If your workplace has a matching program, please consider asking them to match your donation. If you have a Donor Advised Fund, the PTSA tax ID is 94-3050408.

  4. Consider establishing an ongoing monthly gift at AsawaSOTA Giving.

  5. Alternatively, you may access and print the forms linked below to see how you can support this effort to enrich your child's education. English Español 我想支持我們的駐場藝術家計劃



555 Portola Drive, San Francisco, CA, 94131

Phone Number



Website - Go here for general info, including admissions criteria/deadlines.